Justice Karen Baker

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Education: J.D. from Bowen School of Law, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Arkansas Tech University

Prior Elected Office or Public Service: Current Arkansas Supreme Court Justice; former Court of Appeals Judge; former Circuit Court Judge; former Juvenile Judge

Community Service: Supreme Court Liaison for the Board of Law Examiners, Supreme Court Liaison for the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP), Supreme Court Liaison for the Continuing Legal Education Board.

  1. Do you believe there is underrepresentation of women or people of color in the courts system? If so, how would you work to correct the problem? Yes. And, correct the problem by encouraging young women and people of color to attend law school and to pursue careers in the courts and other legal fields.

  2. An independent, fair and impartial judiciary is indispensable to our system of justice. Do you think Rule 4 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, which governs political and campaign activities of judges & judicial candidates, goes far enough to ensure public confidence in the court's role as a neutral decision-maker? No. Especially when considering how many candidates feel comfortable labeling themselves as the “conservative” candidate.

  3. Rule 2.4 from the Code of Judicial Conduct addresses external influences on judicial conduct. Should members of the Supreme Court consider the broad societal impact that their decisions have? Or should they never consider the fact that an issue is controversial, novel, or likely to affect many citizens in a profound manner? The Court should certainly consider the societal impact that their decisions will have on citizens. All aspects of a decision must be considered.

  4. Noting that candidates can make campaign promises about judicial administration and court management, what rules or policies would you suggest to help improve the efficiency of the Supreme Court? Since the Supreme Court issues rules that govern court administration in the entire judiciary, what rules would you suggest to help improve organization and court management for the whole judiciary? 1.) As to efficiency of the Supreme Court: electronic brief filing. 2.) As to the efficiency of the judiciary as a whole: make District Courts a court of record and make adoption of the efiling system a requirement for all courts.

  5. To what extent do you believe that appellate courts should or should not defer to the actions of a legislature? What is your view of the court's role in a system of checks and balances? 1.) The courts should defer when they are legally required to do so. In all other cases not at all. 2.) The Judiciary provides a check on both the Legislative and Executive branches by deciding what the law is.


Judge Gunner DeLay